Our Program
An innovative youth-driven classroom program with an app that propels art and digital media to educate youth on how to build healthy relationships online and off.

portraitX is an application designed for iPads that delivers essential content developed for/by youth and supports the Sexual Health Education curriculum. Our app features 6 interactive workshops, a safe chat space, robust resources, unique collaborative creation tools, and much more!

portraitX has reached 1,740+ students and counting. Our program effectively teaches youth the skills that build healthy relationships. Our innovative intervention harness the power of digital art to empower youth and supports school communities in a culture shift towards healthier ways of connecting.

Today’s youth communicate with technology at their
fingertips. This experience is integral to how they build relationships - healthy or not. Our participatory research found out what youth need to prevent relational violence both online and in person. Take a look at a brief report here
Educating young Canadians about how to identify unhealthy relationships and ways to prevent dating violence is at the core of the Government of Canada’s efforts to promote gender equality and to end gender-based violence. I am proud to announce our Government’s support for this project, which is developing new ways to #InnovateforChange and to reach youth in a manner that will resonate with them and reflect their experiences and identities.
The Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Minister of Health Canada, 2019
Why portraitX?
NOW is the time for a youth-driven program designed specifically to shift the statistics on youth dating violence.
In Canada, youth dating violence is a public health problem, with one in three youth reporting an experience of relational violence. Statistics show that youth today are experiencing violence at alarming rates both online and in person and the impacts are real and long-lasting.
In response, portraitX:
Educates youth about various aspects of dating, relationships and sexual violence. portraitX curriculum addresses the essential themes of sexuality, gender, and relationships in up to six workshops that support the requirements for sexual education in high schools.
Equips youth with the skills to be critical of discrimination and gender stereotypes in their lives. portraitX is an innovative youth-driven classroom program with an app that propels art and digital media to educate students on how to build healthy relationships online and off. Designed and built by youth for youth, portraitX reaches students in a manner that will resonate with them and reflect their diverse experiences and identities.
Effects positive change through collaborative art and media-making. Our unique program is arts-based and digitally fuelled. We use art and digital media to disrupt gender-based stereotypes and attitudes that can lead to violence, while teaching adolescents how to navigate the emotions that arise within relationships.
What is portraitX?
portraitX is a modern education program with an app that propels art & digital media to educate students on how to build healthy relationships
Our team delivers up to 6 workshops through our custom app and iPads with inclusive educational content and digital media to disrupt stereotypes and discriminatory attitudes that can lead to violence.
Our program supports youth in grades 6-12 to guide them through activities, group discussions, and collaborative media making. With a trauma-informed lens, we teach students the facts about sexuality and the essential skills necessary to navigate relationships online and off.
What will students learn?
The portraitX curriculum supports the high school curriculum in CCQ and Sexuality Education.
Take a closer look at our learning objectives by clicking on the Workshop Covers below or download our Program Brief
Turnkey portraitX workshop packages
We can come to you! Our team travels to schools across Montréal.
Our turnkey program is classroom based and comes with two trauma-informed trained moderators to deliver our workshops directly in your school. Our leave behind is a youth sourced artwork in large print and/or digital format. Currently, our team delivers portraitX to schools across the Island of Montréal.
*If you are outside of this sector, please contact us
Here are a few of our portraitX Workshop Package Options:
Package A - pX Full Package
Package B - pX Healthy Relationships & Consent Package
Package C - pX Identity, Gender and Social Norms Package
Package D - pX Healthy Relationships 101 Package (recommended for grade 6 on)
Package E - pX Training Package (recommended for faculty & staff)
Contact us to discuss!